
for Settlers

Indigenous knowledge is an incredibly valuable body of knowledge that Indigenous people have amassed over thousands of years. It‘s a comprehensive system of life that includes language, culture, identity, values, ecological knowledge, traditional practices, and more.

Welcome to


Welcome to our website dedicated to celebrating, understanding, and promoting Indigenous knowledge, a rich tapestry of wisdom that has been woven through centuries of intimate connection and interaction with the natural environment. As settlers, or newcomers to these lands, we recognize the great value and profound insights that Indigenous knowledge can offer us in our own journey toward sustainable and harmonious living in our new homes.

This space serves as a respectful platform where we explore Indigenous practices related to sustainable resource management, traditional medicine, conflict resolution, biodiversity, and much more. From deepening our cultural appreciation to gaining key insights on climate change, this journey into Indigenous wisdom promises to broaden horizons, challenge perspectives, and foster a deep sense of interconnectedness.

We invite you to join us as we embark on this journey of understanding and respect. Together, let’s learn, grow and build long-term, meaningful relationships with Indigenous communities, as we strive to honor, protect, and gain from their incredible body of knowledge.

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What we do


We are dedicated to being a responsible and respectful conduit for Indigenous Knowledge. Here are the services we provide:

  • Collection of Information: We take great care in respectfully gathering Indigenous knowledge from reliable sources. These come from direct engagements with Indigenous communities, scholarly articles, historical documents, and also traditional oral histories.
  • Structuring Information: We organize the knowledge we gather in an easily accessible and comprehensible form. Our team of knowledgeable writers and editors work to present comprehensive and accurate portrayals of Indigenous knowledge systems.
  • Providing an Anchor Point: We aim to be a hub for disseminating Indigenous knowledge. Our website is a go-to resource for those interested in understanding more about Indigenous practices and philosophies.
  • Bridging Communications: We facilitate communication between individuals and Indigenous communities. We ensure that these interactions are respectful and beneficial to both parties.
  • Collaborative Projects: We work on projects that promote the understanding and application of Indigenous knowledge. Often these are in partnership with Indigenous communities, academic institutions or other organizations.
  • Education and Advocacy: We promote awareness and understanding of Indigenous knowledge through various educational resources. We also advocate for the recognition and respect of Indigenous rights and cultures.

Our mission is to honor, respect and learn from the vast body of knowledge that Indigenous communities have to offer. Our ultimate goal is to foster sustainable and harmonious living based on the principles ingrained in Indigenous wisdom. Join us as we take strides toward this goal.